Gesneriads The Gesneriad family's most famous member is the African Violet, more properly called Saintpaulia hybrids. There are many other members of this family, in fact if you want plants that will bloom indoors, this is the group to get. Here are links to some pictures of some of my favorite Gesneriads (more to come later): Achimenes, Sinningia leucotricha , Episcia 'Suomi' , Petrocosmea grouping You will also find photographs (mostly by me) from the annual conventions of The Gesneriad Society ( |
The Tennessee Gesneriad Society meets usually on the second Sunday (except as noted) at Cheekwood Botanical Gardens in Botanic Hall at 2 p.m. Visitors are welcome. Tell the person at the gate you are here for the Gesneriad meeting and they will not charge the gate fee. Dues are $5 per year for individuals and $6 for family if you want your newsletter emailed only, $10 and $12 if you want a printed copy. [Sample newsletters: January 06, February 06, February 2010] Contact me for more info For more info:
The Gesneriad Society |
The Gesneriad Society is an organization of people who love Gesneriads. I am on the board of directors and am the Chair of the Photographic committee, Webmaster and 1st Vice President. |
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Gloxinia purpurascens |